Product and Service

Companies included in console& PC game accessories sector in toys& gaming industry primarily design, manufacture, market, and distribute console and PC game accessories including headsets, mice, keyboard, and controllers, and specialty controllers.


Demand for Product and Service

As indicated by the typical company data, the demand for interactive PC games accessories has been weak in the past three years. The decreased demand has been consistent with player’s preference to game platform.

The Sector

Sector’s Current, Trend, Causes behind trend, and Future

Current and Trend
  1. It seems that, while new game release time has impacts on performance of companies, generally the demand for interactive gaming has been strong and gradually growing in the past three years.
  2. Demand based on console platform has continued strong and grown and demand based on PC platform has declined. However, demand based on mobile phone has increased quickly.
  3. Demand for game accessories products presents a similar trend as that for game products. for example, as we have seen that demand for PC game accessories products declined significantly.
  4. Competition has been intensive in price and manufacture’s flexibility to adopt new game products. In addition to uncertainty of demand for new game product, it has been really difficult for game accessories manufacturers to maintain profitability.
Causes behind the trend
  1. Generally, the demand for gaming entertainment has been growing driven by macro-economy and income factors.
  2. Changes in players’ preference to game platforms influence changes in demand for accessories.
  3. Intensive competition determines low profitability among companies in this sector.
Industry Future
  1. As upward trend in gaming industry continues, companies may be able to continue to see growth in demand for their products in mobile and console game platform


General Financial Performance of Companies In the Sector

We think that while the demand for interactive gaming products has been strong and increasing in the past several years the demand for PC gaming products has declining. And as a result the demand for PC game accessories products has been weak. At the same time, intensive competition in price and increasing costs resulted from increasing investment in manufacture line and royalty fees are seriously hurting companies’ profitability.

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